Officialy The Best Xbox 360 Gamers
He has all achievements for 119 games out of 169 owned.
Officially The Best PS3 Gamer
Game for Good: Making Charity Work Fun
Assassins Creed 2
The game is AWESOME. It's defiantly better than AC1, and they set the bar pretty high. The free running is more fluid, though the camera can let you down at points, causing you to sail of of a object in some random direction, letting you get more acquainted with the floor, and falling does more damaged than any sword does. Fighting is a lot more vaired due to the many types of weapons, short sword, long sword, axe etc. They also introduce "special" moves such as throwing sand in you opponents face, these require a small amount of charging time, and will fail if attacked even if you are halfway through actually performing the attack.
AC2 drops you right into action right from the start, with Desmond being broken out of Abstergo by Lucy, once you've escaped your taken to a new hideout where you will find the Animus 2.0. From here on you are the suave Ezio. You'll spend alot more time in the Animus this time round, only coming out twice the whole game.
For the first 20-30 min of the game, you run around the city not knowing of the fate that awaits Ezio. They start you off with basic hand to hand combat and free running, nothing to hard. You aren't even in you assassins cloths yet.
After this portion of the game you begin your journey as an assassin, which opens up the games stores for you, allowing you to purchase dyes for your outfit (I'm currently sporting a red outfit), larger pouches for your supplies, new weapons and new armour, amongst other things.
Speaking of shops, shops need money, therefore you need money, and you can get money in a few ways, completeing jobs, stealing from people, looting bodies, finding chests, and by far the easiest way, gaining income from your town.
Thats right, you own your own town, and using the money you've earned, you upgrage the town, causing more money to come in to spend on better instruments of death.
Great game a must have.
Why Do I Even Bother, Sarge?
Anyway, so you may have guessed that I've given this game a miss, and you'd be right. But my brother picked up a copy the other day, so I'd thought I'd give it a go. And to be honest, the story mode is great, much that we've come to expect from the CoD series. It follows 5 years after the events of Modern Warfare 1, with Soap having been promoted to Captain and the Russians have kicked up a fuss about the death of Imran Zakhaev (the Russian Dude with one arm, 'case you forgot). As before, you play as multiple characters throughout the game, fighting as the USA's Rangers and CIA and Britain's SAS 141 squad.
The selection of weapons at you disposal is as always massive, with something for everyone's taste. The environments range from Russian tundra, to the slums of Brazil.
MW2 newest feature is Special Ops, which has 23 short missions for you to complete, ranging from killing waves of enemies, or a racing against the clock on a snowmobile.
And finally, my least favourite bit of the game, the online mode. New maps, new perks, new attachments for your guns, and the cool new "Callsigns" which allow you to display an banner and an icon whenever you kill, get killed or complete an objective. The banners and icons are preset and you unlock then by completing hidden tasks, such as kill someone as they are cooking a grenade.
It is a great game, and I recommend it to everyone, but... if you aren't confident at FPS games, stay away from online mode, you'll just get frustrated.
Phyonix's Gaming Update
Fallout 3
Yes I am still playing this one. But I recently bought the Game of the Year edition so I now have the 5 download packs. I have finished the Mothership Zeta pack which was slightly disapointing as it was so linear, a completly different play style compared to the rest of the game. I'm now working through the Point Lookout pack, which is more like the main game with mutliple ways to complete missions.
I would enjoy it a lot more if my PS3 would stop crashing every time I enter a building or use VATS.
I've completed the game being as evil as possible, which honestly is the easy option, as being evil comes so naturaly to me... Now I've started again, and this time I'm going to be the good guy, just so I can try out the good powers and collect the hero trophies.
Tales of Symphonia
I know it's a very old game, but it is also a pretty rare game. Which means that I haven't been able to find a copy until recently. It must be at least 5 years old, yet people can still make £80 selling them online ( I was lucky to find someone who didn't realise the value of his game, so I got mine for £20). It's a brilliant game. One of the best Tales games. This nicely tides in with the release (finally) of Tales of Symhonia 2 in Europe, I have a copy ordered yet I'll have to wait a while, because the Government says I have to spend my money on car tax :-(.
Not exactly playing this awseome game in the way it was created. I haven't played many of the puzzles, I've really just stayed on the opening screen and messed around on there, seeing who would win between random entities (btw vampires can beat God). I'm also trying to find out the limits of the vocabulary, which so far seems huge.
Lucky Number 7?
Also what is the point of only selling it to people, surly if you had to suffered through Vista you should get 7 free or at least at a discount. I mean if you went out and bought a sandwich, and it was given to you on moldy bread, you'd want a replacement, or new slices of bread.
Anyway... 7 offers a better interface, promises faster loading/start up times, and more sidebar gadgets than you could shake your mouse at.
Personally I'm going to stick with my XP. But looking at the stats for this website I can see some of you have 7. So my question to you is... What do you think of 7? Am I completly wrong about it, or I'm I right in sayimg that it is Vista with a spit shine?
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2

There is only 1 word to describe this game and its the word "disappointing", the original was great and unique at the time but this sequal has turned it stale and unlovable unlike the first game, the amount of costumes is a joke because in the first game you got 4 different costumes for each character and this one you get 2 thats it no choice just 2 which have been used the Civil War and the Secret War stories in the Marvel Universe, and as for the story? its short its abit confusing and the sound is unbarable as everyone sounds like they have been recorded with a cheap Fisher Price microphone
This game is simply a slap in the face for anyone like I really loved the original and the cheapness certainly shows.
This is should have been DLC then it wouldnt have been so poor for the £45! (yes i paid 45 bloody quid for this pile of shit) which is RRP which again is another slap in the face for Marvel fans and Gamers alike
'Bout freaking time!
One of my favourite games of all time is Fallout 3, and seeing it win Game of the Year, its a lot of others as well. The only thing that I didn't like about the game was that it was on PC and XBox, but this was because of the exclusive DLC (Blech) that Microsoft wouldn't share.
Now just after the final DLC Mothership Zeta was released, Broken Steel has been released on PSN, for the price of £7.99 or $9.99 (us Brits are getting ripped!).
Fallout 3 DLC will continue next week (October 1st), with the release of Operation: Anchorage & The Pitt. The week after (October 8th), Point Lookout & Mothership Zetawill be available.
The Beatles: Rock Band

Achievement Unlocked
Since Xbox Live launched, the craze of unlocking achievements has really rocketed, from completing the tutorial levels, to finishing the game on hardest difficulty without dieing and never using the X Button.
Fallout 3 Endings

I've been bored today, so I decided to make a flow chart of the many endings for Fallout 3.
HoN Beta: Your Turn [FINISHED]
[EDIT 3] Drakona, you should realise that in the world of gaming, patients and keeping a calm head are major virtues, because you do not show these, you will NOT be receiving a Key if I am given more.
The Real Player Haters
Solitaire: For Now... Forever
For all computer equipment I have sitting on my room, for all the programming I do, and for the way I talk about technology, you would think that I'd be a major gamer. You would expect me to be playing World of Warcraft, Grand Theft Auto, and Halo into the wee hours of the morning. And while I'm occasionally up until those wee hours, I'm not playing video games - I'm usually programming. In fact, I really don't play video games much any more. On the occasion that I do, it's usually Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4. Most times, though, I play Solitaire.
Solitaire?! I can hear you screaming it right now in disgust.
Solitaire is my drug of choice. However, unlike real video games which I might play when I get bored, I use Solitaire as a purposeful distraction; a break from the previous 20 minutes of hard-core coding I just completed, a way to clear my mind.
It's not that I hate playing video games, because I don't! Promise. It's just that I don't have the attention span to sit for hours playing video games. Typically, I can't play a video game for more than 30 or 45 minutes before getting bored. Then I have to go do something else. But with Solitaire, that's okay. A game lasts, what, maybe 10 minutes, maximum...if it's really long? Perfect. I can play my game and then go back to my work, no problem.
Solitaire is also universal, and comes with every major operating system today...except Apple's OS X. There's also countless versions you can download online for free...or just play online without having to download anything. And what if the power goes out? No problem, just grab a deck of cards and begrudgingly play an old fashioned version.
Point being though, I can be at work, or at home, or at a friends house, or on my laptop, or my other laptop, and they all have Solitaire! Sitting right there, waiting for me to take a break and play a round or two. It's quick, it's easy. There are no complicated rules and you don't have to worry about cheaters.
And that, friends, is why I play Solitaire.
N.B. This post is part of the 20 Something Bloggers Blog Swap. The guest writer, Andrew Ferguson, can regularly be read on his own blog at Andrew Ferguson dot NET.
Guest Writer
NXE Autumn Update

Beta Testing Opportunity
Ever wanted to be a games tester? Well S2 Games are having an closed beta test of their newest game, Heroes Of Newerth, and the only way to take part is to obtain a Beta Key, sadly I don't have any to give myself, 1 per IP address, but if you have a facebook account, you can become a fan of HoN and when they recieve 30,000 fans, they will send a link to all fans so they can acquire a Beta Key, but you have to be quick as the link they will send you will only be active for 36 hours.
Writer Wanted
As you may have notices, there is a distinct lack of Xbox articles, this is because 20something gamer is one person, me, and I own a Wii Ps3 and a Laptop, no Xbox, so purchasing Xbox mags and reading other Xbox articles isn't something I do, this is why I have decided to start "hiring".
They are following me!
Gaming Update
Just a life & game update
The Exception To Prove The Rule
Posting Slow Down
E3:9 - Best Of The Rest
E3:8 - Golden Sun DS
E3:7 - New Super Mario Bros Wii
E3:6 - Heavy Rain
E3:5 - Legend Of Zelda
E3:4 - Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
E3:3 Metal Gear Solid Rising
E3:2 - Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time
E3:1 - Assassins Creed 2
- Collectable black packaging with unique authentic holographic signature
- Rare "Master Assassin" upgrade Ezio figurine (see image below) - this limited edition collectable figurine of Ezio wears an upgraded cloak, something Ezio only has access to in the advanced stages of the game.
- 3 in-game bonus quests - enter and explore the most prestigious moments of the Renaissance. Reveal mysterious unique artifacts hidden within their walls: Palazzo Medicis in Florence, Santa Maria Dei Frari and Arsenal Shipyard Warehouse in Venice.
- Conspiracy Book - this 64-page finely crafted leather style hardcover and parchment-finish page book brings together exclusive insights on the game art, story and background, direct from the developers ofAssassin's Creed II. Secret faces are also revealed from the game's overarching conspiracy.
- Game Soundtrack by Jesper Kyd (British Academy of Film and Television Arts nominee for "2009 Best Original Score in a Game")
- All videos, behind-the-scene interviews and e-goodies about Assassin's Creed II.
Transfigirous Legosis
Travelers Tales are at it again with the Lego franchise, this time they are turning Harry Potter and Co into the iconic blocks.
Heavy Rain *Update*
Fallout PS3
Microsoft's iron grip on DLC exclusivity is slowly being wedged open it seems, with the news of Fallout 3's Operation: Anchorage being release for the PS3 in early June. The other 2 DLC packs, The Pitt and Broken Steel, will then be released in 4 to 6 week intervals.
Meet The Spy
Return Of The Assassin *UPDATE*
Fahrenheit, How Could You Miss It?
- Two circles appear on screen representing the analogue sticks, you move the sticks in the direction indicated by the circles.
- A bar will appear at the bottom of the screen, and you have to max it, by rapidly pressing R1 and L1.
- A bar will appear at the bottom and a slider will start in the middle, you have to try and keep it there by pressing R1 and L1 to shift it right or left.
The Lost (But Hopefully Not The Final) Frontier

I'm a huge fan of the Jak and Daxter series, they are great fun to place amzing visuals, and they have an exciting story. Its been 3/4 years since Jak's last outing in Jak X: Combat Racing, and now they are back in Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Original rumours back in 2006 where that this game was to be on the PS3, but as of April 1st 2009 (and Sony swear it's no joke)it is now known that Jak is joining Daxter on his first ever PSP adventure.
The Lost frontier is also going the way of R&C:Size matters and GTA: Liberty City Stories, by having the game released for the PS2 at the same time. Hopefully it'll be available for download off PSN, 'cause I'm stuck with the 40GB PS3.
Nothing yet is known about the games storyline, and the released screen shots don't do much to tell you about the game.
TLF is being developed by High Impact Games, the guys behind R&C's PSP games, and if those are to go by, Jak's PSP debut is gonna be great.
But to be really honest with you, I'm kinda bummed that its not for PS3. Come on Naughty Dog, please? I want to see Haven City in all of its 1080 DPI glory.
20 Something Advert
The Ripoff Unleashed
So, I decided to get the expansion for The Force Unleashed, £7.99 off Playstation Network. Which gives you 3 or 4 extra costumes and 1 level you can finish in 5 min! That is not worth 8 quid.
I mean, Ratchet: Quest for Booty was only a few quid more, and it takes a good few hours to complete.
The level is fun to play I will give it that much, but when you finish it, you really do feel; That wasn't worth it.
So, I guess I'll give you an overview of the level:
You are at the ruins of the Jedi Temple in hopes of finding any information about your father. When you get there you find the temple is overrun with Imperial troopers. You make your way into the temple where you find what your looking for but the way is blocked. So you clear it then make your way to find out about your past and maybe even your future.
You start this level with most of your stats full, and with all the saber crystals unlocked.
Like I said, it's fun, but not really worth it.
Happy Easter
Happy Easter Everyone!
So I've been confirmed on the day of my Lords resurrection, feels good. Though, the Vicar did misspell my name on my certificate and my membership card, oh well.
Don't O.D on eggs.
Again, Happy Easter
How Many Animal Crossings Must A Man Walk Down?
I recently got Animal Crossing: City Folk (Lets Go To The City) for the Wii, I played it for a week and got bored. It's a good game, a great game in fact, but I've done it all before on the DS.
Animal Crossing seems to be a series where you really only ever need to get one version of it. Each game has its differences, but at its core, its the same game:
New in town, get a mortgage, pay it off buy selling junk to the guy you owe money to, get a bigger house, make your house presentable, and make your town look nice.
And its been the same each time.
While I've been writing this, an advert for Pokemon Platinum just played on the TV, which made me think, the Pokemon series is just as repetitive as Animal Crossing, yet I find them a lot more interesting. What is the difference in their formulas that makes me catch Pokemon for hours, but makes me leave Animal Crossing after I've caught a few fish?
Prepare for a Downpour

One of my favourite games of all time has always been Quantic Dream's, Fahrenheit. It has its own unique style of play which I believe is in no other game, the story has more twists and turns than a roller coaster, and the graphics weren't bad either. Also due to its lack in popularity, the anti-video game patrol completely missed it, rated 15 with 2 sex scenes, Mass Effect haters, eat your heart out.
Many years have passed and I still LOVE that game, about half a year ago, Quantic Dream revealed Heavy Rain, and from what I have seen of it, it is going to be amazing, well... hopefully, seeing as what was shown in both of the Heavy Rain videos out there have been revealed as not going to be in the game, as to not spoil any of it, which is nice of them.
Heavy Rain has an updated and more advance control system than Fahrenheit, a more in-depth story and more paths to follow, rumour is that even killing your character is a path choice.
Not much at all is known of the games story, but if Fah' is anything to go by, it'll be awesome.
Due to be out later this year.
Even though it says "Actual Gameplay Footage", director David Cage has stated otherwise
Return of the Assassin
So here is the teaser trailer for Assassins Creed 2:
From what it shows I'd take a guess at saying it's going to be based in 15-16th century Italy, mainly because of the famous Leonardo Da Vinci painting at the end.
Nothing more to say about this one, except if its anything like the last game, its gonna be a winner.
UPDATE: Check out to see some awsome basic hologram messages (printer and webcam required), and on the website there is some scribbles, but in reverse, it says G(something)g Information 4/16/09, so check back then for an update.
First Post
This blog, as the name suggests, is about video games, my experiences, achievements, and any news that I feel to be pretty important.
So, thank you for coming, and welcome to...

N.B. All videos and pictures used in this blog are copyright of their respective owners, I do not own any images, videos or music unless I state otherwise.