Thursday, 2 July 2009

Just a life & game update

Hey reader, just thought I'd tell how my life and gaming life are doing, cause at the beginning I said I'd talk about my experiences, And I haven't really done much of that, so here goes...

Team Fortress 2:

I was given a new laptop by my boss cause he thought it was broken, it was kinda, but for £30 at PC world, I got it all nice and fixed, which I then found it to work even better than my previous laptop. So I almost immediately got myself TF2, took me 3 days from when I purchased it to when I could play it, the laptop is great, but my Internet is still crap.
So once I got started, I found one thing, this game is a little difficult, If you haven't got the unlocked weapons, cause they just make the good players even better. At that point I found myself in an achievement server, this is where there are around 16 inanimate opponents which will stand there while you slaughter then, which make getting achievements, and by that unlockable weapons, much easier, after half an hour of play, I went from 4 achievements to 61, still a ways to go, but its a good start. I now have a few of the unlockable weapons, but due to the server not being a Steam server, I cannot use my unlocked weapons, which means eventually, I will have to start fighting "real" people.
I'm still the only person I know with Steam, so friend achievments will have to wait.

Anyway, great game, ThePhyonix is my Steam ID, if you'd like to take me on (and probably win)

Fallout 3:

I've completed this game once, by doing the run through route, I'm now trying to do it twice more, once being good and doing all the missions that help people, and one where I'm very evil, where I kill them all and steal their shoes.

If you do play Fallout 3, may I recommend that you talk to Mr Burke in Megaton, and do as he requestes, even better is if you do it at night.

I'm still waiting on the DLC to be released which should be either later this month or early next month.


Love this game, another one from Steam, music game where the number of levels is only limited by the size of your library.
Which at the moment consists of 1 Dragonforce song, not Through The Fire And The Flame I may add, and the Dark Horse album. Like I said earlier, new laptop, got other stuff to get off my old laptop, before I do music, I do have some priorities.


Jon Bishop said...

Um I play TF2 every day son. I am also a big counter-strike fan. Friend me on steam.

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