Well, first entry in any blog for me, so I guess an introduction is at order. I'm Phyonix (not my real name of course, but I'd like to keep my privacy). I'm currently 20 years old and I live in London, England. I'm a Computer Science Student, currently in my second year. Also, obviously and most important to this blog, I'm a video gamer, I wouldn't call myself an expert gamer, I'm good at some types of games whereas I suck at others, but I am a gamer none the less.
This blog, as the name suggests, is about video games, my experiences, achievements, and any news that I feel to be pretty important.
So, thank you for coming, and welcome to...

N.B. All videos and pictures used in this blog are copyright of their respective owners, I do not own any images, videos or music unless I state otherwise.
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