Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Phyonix's Gaming Update

Been a while since I've done one of these... Anyway...

Fallout 3

Yes I am still playing this one. But I recently bought the Game of the Year edition so I now have the 5 download packs. I have finished the Mothership Zeta pack which was slightly disapointing as it was so linear, a completly different play style compared to the rest of the game. I'm now working through the Point Lookout pack, which is more like the main game with mutliple ways to complete missions.
I would enjoy it a lot more if my PS3 would stop crashing every time I enter a building or use VATS.


I've completed the game being as evil as possible, which honestly is the easy option, as being evil comes so naturaly to me... Now I've started again, and this time I'm going to be the good guy, just so I can try out the good powers and collect the hero trophies.

Tales of Symphonia

I know it's a very old game, but it is also a pretty rare game. Which means that I haven't been able to find a copy until recently. It must be at least 5 years old, yet people can still make £80 selling them online ( I was lucky to find someone who didn't realise the value of his game, so I got mine for £20). It's a brilliant game. One of the best Tales games. This nicely tides in with the release (finally) of Tales of Symhonia 2 in Europe, I have a copy ordered yet I'll have to wait a while, because the Government says I have to spend my money on car tax :-(.


Not exactly playing this awseome game in the way it was created. I haven't played many of the puzzles, I've really just stayed on the opening screen and messed around on there, seeing who would win between random entities (btw vampires can beat God). I'm also trying to find out the limits of the vocabulary, which so far seems huge.


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