I recently bought this game to keep my mum and sister quiet over the winter months until the inevitable splurge of casual games come out for the Wii around christmas time which handle like boat used to tackle aboriginals in the old black and white films and thought id have a go...and realised what a game that has been created.
The graphics are awesome, the sheer amount of songs (45 to be exact and more to come via XBL and PSN including their famous album Abbey Road) that you actually recognize and realise that they were right, they were the greatest band to ever live and probably ever will and this comes alive within the story mode which you start off at the beginning of the band leading up to their last gig 10 years later.
This game is truely amazing, if you own Guitar Hero World Tour or Rock Band this is worth shelling out £40 for (or a tenner if you were lucky enough to preorder the game from Gamestation or Game in Liverpool and go to the Cavern Club for the launch) and if you dont own either I urge you to go out and buy the band bundle (1 guitar, drums and a microphone) and the game as this is undoubtedly the best Rock Band or Guitar Hero game that has ever been made.
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