4/24/2009 12:33:00 pm | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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In a past post, Prepare For A Downpour, I spoke about my favourite game of all time, Fahrenhiet, and how it seemed to go amiss. I'd like to take some time to talk to you about this game.
Fahrenheit (or 'Indigo Prophecy' in the states) is set in present day New York City, in the middle of a cold snap. The opening scene shows a guy, Lucas Kane the games protaganist, sitting in a diner's bathroom stall, holding a knife, another person is in the bathroom, washing his hands. Lucas comes out of the stall and in a zombie like fashion, walks up to the victim and stabs him. Lucas then snaps out of his trance and realises what he has done. From there you have control of Lucas and the game starts. Using the games unique control system you clean up the crime scene and leave.
You play Fahrenhiet by moving Lucas (or the games other 3 characters) with the left stick and interact with object with the right stick. During the games many action sequences, you will play using one of three methods;
Two circles appear on screen representing the analogue sticks, you move the sticks in the direction indicated by the circles.
A bar will appear at the bottom of the screen, and you have to max it, by rapidly pressing R1 and L1.
A bar will appear at the bottom and a slider will start in the middle, you have to try and keep it there by pressing R1 and L1 to shift it right or left.
Fahrenhiet has Sims style mentality metre which measures the character's state of mind, and it is affected by you perfoming different actions, such as getting a drink will increase your mental stability, wereas hearing or seeing something bad will lower it.
The game is practically one long cut scene where you have some say in what happens, though you are raely left just watching the screen.
I recommend Fahrenheit to everyone, and when I do find another person who played it, they love it too.
N.B. I want to avoid using fan videos in 20something gamer, but this one was too good to not use.
This is my favorite band - Evanesence. They music is very touching, but at the same time so powerful!
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