Sunday, 31 May 2009

Heavy Rain *Update*

At long last there has been an update for Heavy Rain! This video from (viewable here as well as right here)
I know it's more of an interview than an update, but this actually shows gameplay, and that is what I have been waiting almost a year for.

So, gameplay-wise it looks a much more advance versions of Fahrenheit's, but with the X,O,Square, Triangle buttons coming into play. Seems you have to keep a look out for them aswell not just look at the top of the screen and wait for them to appear. 
Level design looks amazing, but really thats not much of a plus seeing as this is 3rd gen and is expected from most games now. 
Still no talk of a release date, and David is still keeping his mouth wire shut about the story, (BTW does he sound less and less 'French' each time he does something like this?)
Want this game so much.


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