4/11/2009 10:34:00 am | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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One of my favourite games of all time has always been Quantic Dream's, Fahrenheit. It has its own unique style of play which I believe is in no other game, the story has more twists and turns than a roller coaster, and the graphics weren't bad either. Also due to its lack in popularity, the anti-video game patrol completely missed it, rated 15 with 2 sex scenes, Mass Effect haters, eat your heart out.
Many years have passed and I still LOVE that game, about half a year ago, Quantic Dream revealed Heavy Rain, and from what I have seen of it, it is going to be amazing, well... hopefully, seeing as what was shown in both of the Heavy Rain videos out there have been revealed as not going to be in the game, as to not spoil any of it, which is nice of them.
Heavy Rain has an updated and more advance control system than Fahrenheit, a more in-depth story and more paths to follow, rumour is that even killing your character is a path choice.
Not much at all is known of the games story, but if Fah' is anything to go by, it'll be awesome.
Due to be out later this year.
Even though it says "Actual Gameplay Footage", director David Cage has stated otherwise
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