Microsoft's iron grip on
DLC exclusivity is slowly being wedged open it seems, with the news of Fallout 3's Operation: Anchorage being release for the PS3 in early June. The other 2
DLC packs, The Pitt and Broken Steel, will then be released in 4 to 6 week intervals.
Not only is that good news, even better is that there are 2 NEW DLC packs in the works for Fallout 3; Point Lookout and Mothership Zeta. No idea what Point Lookout is about, but I can guess that Mothership Zeta is about and alien invasion, given that the scout ship you find is called "Scout Ship Zeta", BTW I love the Alien Blaster, kills most Super Mutants in one shot.
Hopefully this example of 'sharing the love' will be noticed by Rockstar and Valve and any other company that sold its soul to Microsoft, if not, maybe seeing the money roll in from us PS3 owners will get them to give us The Lost and The Damned, and the Team Fortress 2 DLC.
N.B. I'm not biased against Microsoft, but getting a company to make DLC for its versions only, just doesn't seem right.
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