There is only 1 word to describe this game and its the word "disappointing", the original was great and unique at the time but this sequal has turned it stale and unlovable unlike the first game, the amount of costumes is a joke because in the first game you got 4 different costumes for each character and this one you get 2 thats it no choice just 2 which have been used the Civil War and the Secret War stories in the Marvel Universe, and as for the story? its short its abit confusing and the sound is unbarable as everyone sounds like they have been recorded with a cheap Fisher Price microphone
This game is simply a slap in the face for anyone like I really loved the original and the cheapness certainly shows.
This is should have been DLC then it wouldnt have been so poor for the £45! (yes i paid 45 bloody quid for this pile of shit) which is RRP which again is another slap in the face for Marvel fans and Gamers alike
Marvel ultimate Alliance 2 I hope this will satisfy to gamer more than MUA 1. I am agree that it is more reach with graphics and storyline instead of cheapness.
All famous heroes in one game!! It's incredible!! I want this game, when it will be released??
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