4/24/2009 12:33:00 pm | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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In a past post, Prepare For A Downpour, I spoke about my favourite game of all time, Fahrenhiet, and how it seemed to go amiss. I'd like to take some time to talk to you about this game.
Fahrenheit (or 'Indigo Prophecy' in the states) is set in present day New York City, in the middle of a cold snap. The opening scene shows a guy, Lucas Kane the games protaganist, sitting in a diner's bathroom stall, holding a knife, another person is in the bathroom, washing his hands. Lucas comes out of the stall and in a zombie like fashion, walks up to the victim and stabs him. Lucas then snaps out of his trance and realises what he has done. From there you have control of Lucas and the game starts. Using the games unique control system you clean up the crime scene and leave.
You play Fahrenhiet by moving Lucas (or the games other 3 characters) with the left stick and interact with object with the right stick. During the games many action sequences, you will play using one of three methods;
Two circles appear on screen representing the analogue sticks, you move the sticks in the direction indicated by the circles.
A bar will appear at the bottom of the screen, and you have to max it, by rapidly pressing R1 and L1.
A bar will appear at the bottom and a slider will start in the middle, you have to try and keep it there by pressing R1 and L1 to shift it right or left.
Fahrenhiet has Sims style mentality metre which measures the character's state of mind, and it is affected by you perfoming different actions, such as getting a drink will increase your mental stability, wereas hearing or seeing something bad will lower it.
The game is practically one long cut scene where you have some say in what happens, though you are raely left just watching the screen.
I recommend Fahrenheit to everyone, and when I do find another person who played it, they love it too.
N.B. I want to avoid using fan videos in 20something gamer, but this one was too good to not use.
4/23/2009 10:23:00 pm | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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I'm a huge fan of the Jak and Daxter series, they are great fun to place amzing visuals, and they have an exciting story. Its been 3/4 years since Jak's last outing in Jak X: Combat Racing, and now they are back in Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Original rumours back in 2006 where that this game was to be on the PS3, but as of April 1st 2009 (and Sony swear it's no joke)it is now known that Jak is joining Daxter on his first ever PSP adventure.
The Lost frontier is also going the way of R&C:Size matters and GTA: Liberty City Stories, by having the game released for the PS2 at the same time. Hopefully it'll be available for download off PSN, 'cause I'm stuck with the 40GB PS3.
Nothing yet is known about the games storyline, and the released screen shots don't do much to tell you about the game.
TLF is being developed by High Impact Games, the guys behind R&C's PSP games, and if those are to go by, Jak's PSP debut is gonna be great.
But to be really honest with you, I'm kinda bummed that its not for PS3. Come on Naughty Dog, please? I want to see Haven City in all of its 1080 DPI glory.
4/22/2009 08:02:00 pm | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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I've got 2 versions of an advert for 20Something Gamer, both made at Animoto.
If you want to make your own, go to Animoto.com, to get longer videos like mine and not the 30 second free videos, you have to either buy credits ($3 each) or sign up for membership, if you wish to sign up, please use this referral code : OZAMLDBE. It gives you $5 off the sign up fee.
4/13/2009 01:11:00 am | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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So, I decided to get the expansion for The Force Unleashed, £7.99 off Playstation Network. Which gives you 3 or 4 extra costumes and 1 level you can finish in 5 min! That is not worth 8 quid.
I mean, Ratchet: Quest for Booty was only a few quid more, and it takes a good few hours to complete.
The level is fun to play I will give it that much, but when you finish it, you really do feel; That wasn't worth it.
So, I guess I'll give you an overview of the level: You are at the ruins of the Jedi Temple in hopes of finding any information about your father. When you get there you find the temple is overrun with Imperial troopers. You make your way into the temple where you find what your looking for but the way is blocked. So you clear it then make your way to find out about your past and maybe even your future.
You start this level with most of your stats full, and with all the saber crystals unlocked.
4/12/2009 01:08:00 pm | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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Happy Easter Everyone!
So I've been confirmed on the day of my Lords resurrection, feels good. Though, the Vicar did misspell my name on my certificate and my membership card, oh well.
4/11/2009 02:00:00 pm | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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I recently got Animal Crossing: City Folk (Lets Go To The City) for the Wii, I played it for a week and got bored. It's a good game, a great game in fact, but I've done it all before on the DS.
Animal Crossing seems to be a series where you really only ever need to get one version of it. Each game has its differences, but at its core, its the same game:
New in town, get a mortgage, pay it off buy selling junk to the guy you owe money to, get a bigger house, make your house presentable, and make your town look nice.
And its been the same each time.
While I've been writing this, an advert for Pokemon Platinum just played on the TV, which made me think, the Pokemon series is just as repetitive as Animal Crossing, yet I find them a lot more interesting. What is the difference in their formulas that makes me catch Pokemon for hours, but makes me leave Animal Crossing after I've caught a few fish?
4/11/2009 10:34:00 am | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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One of my favourite games of all time has always been Quantic Dream's, Fahrenheit. It has its own unique style of play which I believe is in no other game, the story has more twists and turns than a roller coaster, and the graphics weren't bad either. Also due to its lack in popularity, the anti-video game patrol completely missed it, rated 15 with 2 sex scenes, Mass Effect haters, eat your heart out.
Many years have passed and I still LOVE that game, about half a year ago, Quantic Dream revealed Heavy Rain, and from what I have seen of it, it is going to be amazing, well... hopefully, seeing as what was shown in both of the Heavy Rain videos out there have been revealed as not going to be in the game, as to not spoil any of it, which is nice of them.
Heavy Rain has an updated and more advance control system than Fahrenheit, a more in-depth story and more paths to follow, rumour is that even killing your character is a path choice.
Not much at all is known of the games story, but if Fah' is anything to go by, it'll be awesome.
Due to be out later this year.
Even though it says "Actual Gameplay Footage", director David Cage has stated otherwise
4/11/2009 01:03:00 am | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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Anyone who played the first Assassins Creed will know its one of the best games out there. Amazing graphics, brilliant game play (though it was kinda repetitive) and a really good story.
So here is the teaser trailer for Assassins Creed 2:
From what it shows I'd take a guess at saying it's going to be based in 15-16th century Italy, mainly because of the famous Leonardo Da Vinci painting at the end.
Nothing more to say about this one, except if its anything like the last game, its gonna be a winner.
UPDATE: Check out www.assassinscreed.com to see some awsome basic hologram messages (printer and webcam required), and on the website there is some scribbles, but in reverse, it says G(something)g Information 4/16/09, so check back then for an update.
4/11/2009 01:02:00 am | Posted by
Phyonix Myth |
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Well, first entry in any blog for me, so I guess an introduction is at order. I'm Phyonix (not my real name of course, but I'd like to keep my privacy). I'm currently 20 years old and I live in London, England. I'm a Computer Science Student, currently in my second year. Also, obviously and most important to this blog, I'm a video gamer, I wouldn't call myself an expert gamer, I'm good at some types of games whereas I suck at others, but I am a gamer none the less.
This blog, as the name suggests, is about video games, my experiences, achievements, and any news that I feel to be pretty important.
So, thank you for coming, and welcome to...
N.B. All videos and pictures used in this blog are copyright of their respective owners, I do not own any images, videos or music unless I state otherwise.