Decided to take a break from my revision, and this showed up on my youTube subscriptions.
Valve have released a new "Meet The..." video. But being the Spy, no-one is sure who the spy is. Try and guess who it is before it is revealed.
I really like Team Fortress 2, but sadly I only have the PS3 Orange Box version, which apparently will NEVER recieve the updates that the PC version get. I only got Orange Box because I didn't think my laptop could cope with it, but I recently got a copy of Half Life 2: Death Match and Garry's Mod off Steam, and they work quite well, so after the exams, (and when I'm in a place where the download speed is faster than 56Kb/s) I might get myself a copy.
Anyway, back to revision, I'll start again properly at the end of the week, and remember...
Spy Checking, It could save lives, and end theirs!
P.S. Speaking of Steam, add me if you like my ID is ThePhyonix