Since Xbox Live launched, the craze of unlocking achievements has really rocketed, from completing the tutorial levels, to finishing the game on hardest difficulty without dieing and never using the X Button.
Thanks to achievements there is now a record of your gaming abilities other than high score tables, cause anyone can get a high score.
Now it seems to have come to a point where you have to produce the achievement to prove that you have done anything in a game, which has raised the question in some people (me NOT included), "Should real life have achievements to prove what we've done today?" Well for these people there is an answer, for the iPod/iPhone is Booyah Society, A free app which allows you to create your own life achievements and post them into the community, also with twitter and facebook connectivity, you can reach out to even more people and tell them you got the 'Watered the Plants' Achievement.
The way it works is you right a short statement of 140 characters or less, and choose a category for your achievement, or (apparently, haven't found it yet) select from a list with others have posted.
Achievement Unlocked: Read 20Something Gamer